is this the FUTURE or is this how it will end?

its uses {enricheduranium232}.

its probably not the best thing {enricheduranium232} for eating.
its probably not the best thing {enricheduranium232} for growing flowers in.
its probably not the best thing {enricheduranium232} for a long life.
its probably not the best thing {enricheduranium232} for bringing your children up around.
its probably not the best thing {enricheduranium232} for a prosperous future.
its probably not the best thing {enricheduranium232} for the environment.

its actually pretty good {enricheduranium232} for poisoning water supplies.
its actually pretty good {enricheduranium232} for killing civilians.
its actually pretty good {enricheduranium232} for destroying homes and hospitals.
its actually pretty good {enricheduranium232} for covering a foreign land and destroying crops.
its actually pretty good {enricheduranium232} for bringing a country into total decline.
its actually pretty good {enricheduranium232} like serbia.

thankgod for it {unricheduranium232}.
